What is an Anchor Creek Farms horse?
I pride myself in training a horse who is the complete package. It’s not enough that my horses can dazzle a dressage judge or clear a three foot-six jump easily, if they won’t load in the trailer or stand still while being mounted they will not be offered for sale until they can.
The horses I train start out green and most have never had a saddle on their back. Before that happens I establish respect through rigorous groundwork, and only after they can calmly longe, turn on the forehand and respond to pressure do they get introduced to having a rider on their back.
The most important skill a young horse can learn is the art of balance and collection. My goal is to have my horses collect and be light in the bit so each is given a dressage foundation regardless of what their final job will be. They will be schooling at least Training Level when they are offered for sale, most will have progressed to First Level movements.
After they are comfortable under saddle we begin to explore the world outside the ring. They are exposed to as many scary noises and objects I can find on our farm, and they quickly become used to farm machinery, cows, barking dogs and anything else we come across. I regularly foxhunt and if a horse is showing aptitude they will be introduced to the hounds.
My goal is that the horse you come to see will have excellent ground manners, be a gentleman or lady in the stable, and a partner with the solid basics to join you on your journey.
An Anchor Creek Farms horse is the complete package. Come and see for yourself.